Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where's That Tooth?

I believe there are 2 ways to react to a loose tooth: 1.Once you know it's loose, devise a plan to pull it and pull it, or 2.Let it hang on till it's so loose that when you drink water out of your water bottle, you don't even realize that your tooth fell out and you swallowed it. Hope chose option #2 and last Friday we realized her tooth was missing. We looked all over and came to the conclusion that she must have swallowed it. This is her first lost (literally) tooth and we are all excited and amazed. She's so cute!



they call me... tim said...

yaaaaaah hope! good job! you really don't need teeth anyway. there are thousands, dare i say millions, of people in the world who have to gum their food. i heard that there is an entire african country where not one single person even has one single tooth. i forget which country that is but i know that part of my tithe goes to sending puppet and mime teams over to minister to those poor, toothless people. oh, we are sooooo blessed in america. you'll do fine. seeing that pic of you with the missing tooth reminds me of when your daddy and i were kids and i kicked out his front teeth because he looked at me funny. he had to gum his food too...

Brad said...

Congrats Hope! You know the real question is....where's the cash?