Every Wednesday, Hope's 1st grade curriculum calls for Exploration day. On this day we don't do the usually pencil/paper work, but do more reading, science experiments and try to go on an outing to enjoy God's creation. So, last Wednesday we went to Red Rocks for lunch! It was a short 20 minute drive. We brought our food and ate on row 63. It was amazing (our first visit, except for Desi) and beautiful! We could see Denver pretty well and even DIA. The clouds were so pretty, like a watercolor painting. The kids loved climbing up and down the stairs. There were all sorts of people there, including some that were exercising-talk about a good work out! We met the cowboy in the black hat (in the shot from the stage looking up). He was kind enough to take the pic of me and the kids. He was a stage hand at an Eagles concert there in 1975! He went on and on about what a great venue Red Rocks is because the audience is so close to the musicians. I plan on going to a concert there as soon as possible! There is a fun museum with pics of past performers. Notice the pic of one of the first musical groups to perform in 1910-for some reason it's interesting to be in a place so old (which isn't really that old compared to some places). Notice the model of Red Rocks with Owen's head at the bottom...that will give those of you who haven't been a good idea of the set up. There is a 1.3 mile hike nearby that we'll do when the kids are older (some steep parts). I am sure we'll be back again soon!
p.s. click on a picture to see it larger
You guys are doing a great job of convincing Evan and me that we need to move to Colorado. So beautiful, and apparently the children in Colorado are gorgeous as well.
I love the second picture, with the three kids. It seems to give us a peek into each ones personality. You have a sweet family. Levi is getting big! I guess they do that, don't they?.
Annie, I guess you guys will have to come visit sometime! In that 2nd pic, Hope wanted them to face me and smile, but Owen had other ideas, thus Hope's upset face! That's one of my favorites. Hope you guys are doing well. -Rose
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