My hair is a giveaway, but doesn't Levi look like Owen?! I can tell his hair is getting lighter too! What a cutie :)
p.s. top pic taken Sept 2006 bottom pic taken Nov 2002!
Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness blow the rest away. ~Dinah Craik
He DOES look like Owen, especially in the picture with you.
You're hair is so cute. From the comment you left me I thought you were waiting awhile to cut it. Doesn't it feel good? Looks great!!
The pic with me is when Owen was little...my hair is still long, but that is a cute hair cut!
Oh, I get it now. Comparing their baby pictures, ofcourse. You actually made that pretty clear. You'll have to excuse my stupidity, on this one. I am sick today with some kind of stomach bug and kind of out of it. Yeah, that's my excuse, I am sticking to it. : )
It cracks me up- in every picture that Owen is in he is making a funny face. Can't imagine where he gets that from!! :) You commented on it a while back, but I forgot to say that I think it is so funny... and I'm sure you just "love" it when you want to get a nice picture of the family! ;)
Annie, you don't need any excuse, your the momma of a little one (they suck the brain cells right out of us!)
Kameron, Owen's faces crack me up too! I'm sure our Christmas pic this year will have at least one silly face ;)
He's a cutie and I'm just glad he doesn't mind getting his picture taken. I guess they are all used to it, though. I am addicted to taking pics of them...thank God for digital cameras, otherwise I'd be in trouble having to develop all that film!
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