Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Owen's Prayers

So, Owen likes to pray for sick people. Don't really know why, but every night I put him to bed (Desi and I switch off, girls room and boys room, songs and prayers before bed) I ask Owen, so who do you want to pray for tonight? And it never fails, he wants to pray for someone who is sick. So, tonight he prays for the Arby family that God would help them not get sick. Don't know who they are, but Owen prayed for them tonight! He's too cute! He got a sword at the dollar store last week and decided that tonight would be a good night to sleep with it shoved down his jammies. We'll see if it's still there in the morning. I personally don't think that would be very comfy, but that's just me!


they call me... tim said...

i think maybe he meant to pray for people who have eaten at Arby's not to get sick. The bacon beef 'n chedder can drop a water buffalo...

Paul and Kameron Morton said...

What a sweetheart! :) That is so sensitive of him! And ouch- yah, a sword in your jammies doesn't sound like much fun to me either. I LOVE the garden pics! They're fabulous! How do you find out about all the cool activities in your community? I am always so amazed at the cool stuff you guys do!! Oh yah, and I LOVE all the pictures of the school stuff, expecially the neat pattern Hope made up. You've got a really creative one on your hands!!