Desi bought me a red cruiser before we were married and it got stolen from our back yard last summer. I was so bummed because I loved that bike and it had sentimental value. He and Hope were at REI awhile back and saw this Electra beach cruiser (with three speed internal hub). He wanted to get it for me, but it was ridiculuosly expensive. He looked on Craig's list just to see if he could find one and low and behold he found a used one for about half the price. It's such a sweet ride and my man is the best! Thank you Desi-I love you!
that pink is kinda' girlie
Your snow is the envy of us all in Georgia. It's close to all that is on the news here as well. The bike is sweet indeed! I can picture you cruising the denver hood. :)
I am in the process of getting my own blog spot set up. I'll let you know when I do. Merry Christmas!
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