What I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving:
T-That I'm saved by Grace through Faith because of the blood shed by my Savior Jesus Christ!
H-Hope, my daughter and the HOPE I have in God, despite my circumstances.
A-All my other wonderful kiddos-with their unique, God given personalities.
N-Not having any diseases, severe illnesses or handicaps-being healthy is a blessing!
K-Kisses from my Husband.
S-Sweet friendships.
G-God actually WANTING a relationship with me when I was lost in my sins.
I-Internet-it's something that keeps me close to friends and family!
V-Vents in my house that blow warm air all winter long, and God's provision to pay the bills.
I-Ice cream-especially chocolate fudge with peanut butter swirl ;)
N-Nice people that inspire me to be nice as well.
G-God preparing a place in heaven for me!

1 comment:
Well, you can at any time barter to buy and sell property...and there were a few people who were flat out cheating...stealing a property card here and there...they were found out and fined severly! We also had people taking over other people's game which made it interesting.
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