Well, I just cannot believe how fast time has flown the past 5 months! Levi is now a BIG 5 month old. His new skills include rolling from front to back and vise versa, eating rice cereal, grabbing his naked toes and pulling them into his mouth and sucking his two middle fingers (see photo). He is getting more verbal all the time...I think he's trying to make himself be heard amist the noise of our household! What a joy he is each and every day. I love going into his room and seeing his smiling face every morning :)
How did you guys teach Levi to do the heavy metal horns with his hands (not to be mistaken with "I love you" in sign language) at such an early age?
Our boys didn't learn that until they were two...
No teaching, he's a natural! I guess it's a gift from God!
;) ~Rose
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