Princess, Princess, Spiderman, Frog, Princess, Winnie The Pooh

Nice smiles from E & E!

Three of the 12 dancing princesses.

Levi and I had spider shirts. His shirt is new and now he finally has something to wear with his Vans! Thanks again Lori...those are such cute shoes :)

I'm assuming this free candy came from a church sanctioned harvest festival outreach, right? If not did you check for razor blades and meth?
Just beware even if it did come from a church sanctioned harvest festival outreach there could still be razor baldes and meth among many other things....You just never know these days.
good point heather. I remember one year while working the wordless book booth at ccm I came across a jolly rancher that had been soaked in jack daniels. The rest of that evening was a blur...
We looked over the candy, and as far as I know, it's all safe. Thanks for your concern!
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