I just realized that it's been a year since I started blogging...quite an accomplishment...sticking with something for a whole year! I think blogging is therapeutic for me though. Maybe writing about things helps me slow down and think about my life more. My computer is right in the living room, so it's easy to quickly post something. Well, here are a few pics from our Thanksgiving at the Duell's house. My folks and brother came. We enjoyed a tasty feast, football, and a rousing game of ghetto Monopoly. The Christmas lights are up, just decorated the tree and we're listening to the Blind Boys of Alabama -Go Tell It On The mountain (thanks again Des-we love this album)!
What I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving:
T-That I'm saved by Grace through Faith because of the blood shed by my Savior Jesus Christ!
H-Hope, my daughter and the HOPE I have in God, despite my circumstances.
A-All my other wonderful kiddos-with their unique, God given personalities.
N-Not having any diseases, severe illnesses or handicaps-being healthy is a blessing!
K-Kisses from my Husband.
S-Sweet friendships.
G-God actually WANTING a relationship with me when I was lost in my sins.
I-Internet-it's something that keeps me close to friends and family!
V-Vents in my house that blow warm air all winter long, and God's provision to pay the bills.
I-Ice cream-especially chocolate fudge with peanut butter swirl ;)
N-Nice people that inspire me to be nice as well.
G-God preparing a place in heaven for me!