Thursday, January 12, 2006

Pull-up fun!

Who knew potty training could be so fun! Owen is doing pretty well with it...he just learned how to pee standing up which is pretty exciting! We were listening to music the other night and Hope came into the kitchen with a pull-up on her head. (For those of you who don't know-pull-ups are disposible underwear...makes life for me a little easier when Owen has accidents). The kids proceeded to dress up and pose for the camera! We laughed and laughed! I love the free entertainment that comes with living with kiddos!

We didn't get any pics of Emma dressed up, but here's a cute one after bathtime. She is really into sunglasses right now!

-Rose Starr


Unknown said...

hey starr's. cute kids.

good to hear about your life/church.

God bless,

ryan schaffner

Starrs In Denver said...

Thanks! Good to see your pic. By the way how do you put your pic up for the profile? It's probably easy but I can't figure it out!