Last night (Jan.8th) we had our last "home" study at the Duell's house. After dinner we ended up going over to Antioch Baptist for a tour of the church that we will be renting Sunday nights. We had a short time of worship, devotion and prayer. Next Sunday marks our first "public" service. We'll have a potluck dinner at 5:30 and service will start promptly at 6:30. Antioch is an all African American church that has prayerfully decided to partner with us in reaching out to the neighborhood. We are blessed to have such a great facility to use. We'll be renting month to month...they know our desire to go back to Sunday mornings. For now this will be a wonderful place and we are excited! Carrie Schnur has taken over directing children's ministry from Rose Starr. We have 9-14 kids on a regular basis and will be breaking them up into 3 different classes. Please pray that we'll get enough volunteers and that our kids will come to know Jesus in a more personal way this year in Sunday school! Pray for all to go smoothly, for God to be glorified and that we'll reach the surrounding area with the love of Jesus!
The kids found the fans in the back of the sanctuary...hopefully that's not a bad sign for the summer!

Bruce Duell shared a short devotion before prayer.

Desi, Dwayne Dokes and Bruce Duell. They will share in the teaching on Sunday nights. We thank God for bringing us all together and look forward to the future with hope and trust in what God will do!

Thanks for taking the time to read and pray for us!
Love, Desi & Rose and the Ancient Paths Church family!
1 comment:
That's so awesome to hear! We will be praying that the transition is smooth and that this will continue to further God's Kingdom.
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