-Denver Inner-City Urban Missionaries-

It was probably the same for you-December was quite busy for us. We battled the stomach flu and by God’s grace overcame! We attempted an outreach to hand out sparkling cider, small toy bags and Ancient Paths Church invites to the neighborhood surrounding our new meeting place (Antioch Baptist). We were snowed out and ended up trying again the Fri. before Christmas with a small group and were successful in reaching 40 homes.
Our family was blessed to celebrate Christmas with Rose’s parents and brother. Hope, Owen & Emma just could not contain themselves on Christmas morning. Thank you again for all of your generous gifts and prayers! We have enjoyed record-breaking heat over the past 4 weeks, but know the snow is coming. Rose has had 2 prenatal appointments and all seems to be well. We were not sure about the pregnancy being fully covered, but Praise God-we had to re-apply for Medicaid and were accepted, so all is covered and the hospital is only a few miles away. Rose has her ultrasound Feb.9th and if the baby cooperates, we’ll find out the gender! With how sick she’s been if it’s not a girl, we’ll be really surprised! Hope and Owen still love school at home and Emma is enjoying Bible along with her siblings. Our verse this week is Psalm 145:13 “God keeps all His promises.”

Our first service at Antioch Baptist (Jan.15th) went really well, despite many of us who were home sick. The church building is great and Pastor Lee Hall is so open and welcoming to us. We are free to use their musical equipment and whatever we need. We are able to break up the kids (ages 3mo-6yrs) into three classes, which is wonderful! We have a kitchen to use for potluck dinners as well. We are excited to see what God has in store for Ancient Paths Church. Thank you for your prayers-they are such a vital part of what we are doing!
Love, Desi, Rose, Hope, Owen, Emmaline & Baby Starr
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