I was reading Tabletalk, a monthly devotional magazine put out by Ligioner Ministries (R.C.Sproul). It's going through Genesis and the day I was reading (Jan 18) was entitled "The Myth of Chance". The passage was Proverbs 16:33 "The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord." Here's a short quote that really helped me: "As today's passage indicates, even a random outcome in the casting of lots to make a decision is determined by the hand of God. Every seemingly "chance" event - a flat tire, running into a long-lost friend, a roll of the dice, the luck of the draw, and others - has a place in God's good plan, even if we are unaware of His ultimate purposes. As you go about your day, remember God is using even "chance" events for your good and His glory."

Last night at church was great. I love teaching the toddlers. It was a joy to read to them, sing with them, do crafts and play games. Lord, help me to remember that You are always in control, no matter the circumstances I find myself in!
~Rose Starr
P.S. Can you relate to this?
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