It's nice to have Mama Jr. around, although I doubt Levi really likes to be held by her...Just look at his expression! For all you worriers out there, Hope is very proficient with holding him and is very careful...Even then, the worst that could happen is she drops him and he falls 2 feet and cries a lot. Hope fell off our bed twice as a baby and is o.k. In fact, she's one of the smartest almost 6yr olds around! Don't know why I am going on about this...Must be the sever exhaustion! Ha Ha!
Ha ha... younger siblings are WAY more fun than dolls except they never hold still when you try to dress them and they leak on you... well, at least mine did. Hope looks like she is on top of things. And Rose, your message cracked me up... I'm still laughing... for all the worriers... ha ha...
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