Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 2006 Update

Desi and Rose Starr
Ancient Paths Church
Inner City Urban Missionaries

APC Happenings… We had our second gathering event last month at Carrie Schnur’s house. She invited a lot of unchurched friends she had not been in contact with in a while. We bought a volleyball net to use for gatherings and outreaches this summer and people had a blast playing games. We connected with a few families and look forward to seeing them again. Pray for us as we seek God’s wisdom for the summer months. It looks like we will stop meeting at Antioch Baptist and use Curtis Park (the most central park to downtown neighborhoods) on Sunday mornings for the months of July and August, which would transition us to mornings. We’d need to find another building to meet in before it gets cold, and Desi currently has a few leads. As stated in our last newsletter, we have quite a bit of ministry going on for this month into July and our baby is due the 24th of June. Pray for us! The third week of June we will host BUMP (Bridging Urban Missions Projects) which will be a weeklong VBS/outreach event in Curtis Park. There will be about 30 people coming in from 4 states to help! The EFCA National Conference is June 27th-29th. We are planning a large outreach for Sunday July 2nd in Curtis Park and will hand out fliers inviting people to join us at the park on Sunday mornings for the rest of the summer. Please pray for unity of heart and vision for us as a church and a willingness to lay our lives down for other to know the love of God in sending His Son to die for our sins. Thanks so much, we are blessed indeed. ~The Starr Family

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