These pics are from this afternoon at Curtis Park. The BUMP (Bridging Urban Missions Projects) group set up games with prizes, soccer, face painting and cooked 500 hot dogs to give away. They handed out fliers and signed up 75 neighborhood kids for VBS up to age 10 and a sports camp age 11 and up for the rest of this week. Please pray that the neighborhood kids and their caregivers and parents would come out, that we would bless them and they would come to know Jesus in a real way. Starting the 2nd Sunday in July, we'll be meeting in that park on Sunday mornings for church and will be giving invites out all this week. We'll keep you posted as to this week and how it's going (unless I go into labor and am in the hospital, which I am more than ready for!). We covet your prayers and are blessed to have the BUMP group out to help us all week. By the way, the BUMP group is 47 teens and leaders from Minnesota, Arizona, Kansas and Colorado Springs...pretty cool.
Kids LOVED the face, hand and arm painting!

A beautiful, but hot day at Curtis Park.

Hope and her best friend Abby...notice the cheek paintings!

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