Desi thinks that to sport a good mustache you need to be at least 30 years old, therefore the theme to his 30th birthday party. A few of us met downtown at the Rialto Cafe for dinner and Tim Bergon came in about half way through dinner to surprise Desi for his birthday. He flew in for 2 days especially for Desi...what a good friend!
Scott Pipher, Josh Kylander, Desi the b-day boy and Tim Bergon (a fake mustache)

Josh the "Coach" won for best costume.

Bowling at Jillian's in the Colorado Mills Mall.

More bowling pics...Scott, Desi, Lisa, Brent and Lori. Brent and Lisa got engaged later that night...CONGRATS!

Brent and Desi

Basketball fun...

Josh knows a guy who works at Jillian's and we got a bunch of cards filled with credits to play video games, air hockey, basketball, ect... We all stayed up too late, but had a great time. Thank you everyone who came and for the fun gifts! The potato guns were great Scott!