Emma and Owen have so much fun together! One possible reason: Owen doesn't mind Emma's copying everything he does!

Our new and long awaited sand box for the backyard! Only $20 bucks to fill with great playsand that keeps these kids occupied for extended periods of time! I've even played in it...I forgot how fun it is to make sandcastles!

I need to remind myself sometimes how good I have it! I need to laugh more and not let the little things upset me so easily. Truly, God has given us all unique personalities and has put us in our own particular families for His good purposes. Well, this pregnancy has really given me a run for my money in dealing with the rest of my family. At times I wish I lived ALONE...ALL ALONE! But, who would God use to mold me and break me into His image? Maybe difficult co-workers or neighbors? Anyhow, I am blessed indeed and these pictures remind me what a blessing Hope, Owen and Emma are!
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