It was sooooo cold earlier in the week! It got down to 2 one day....too cold to go out! The condensation on the inside of our windows froze! We store some food in the back room (which is not insulated like the rest of the house and is closed off from the kitchen) and found a can of soda had burst over night-frozen soda all over! My olive oil even froze! On Tuesday, Owen and Emma could not resist. We played for 10 minutes and then came in crying because it was so cold!

Wednesday was so much the 40's...our mailman Ed called it a heat wave! Snow play is just too hard to stay away from. Emma knows where her hat, gloves, boots and coat are and brings them to me on a regular basis. Isn't she just a ball of cuteness?! Our little Emma Bear!

Hope and Owen love throwing snow balls and making new tracks in fresh snow. We hid behind a car and jumped out at Desi to scare him when he got home that day!
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