Last Saturday (December 10th) we decided to get out and visit Hammond's Candy Factory. The kids and I have been twice for a free factory tour. Hammond's has been around since 1920something and is still family owned and operated. They make candy canes 6 days a week-50 weeks a year! Their treats are shipped all over the country and we are just lucky enough to live a couple miles from them! They hold this free festival every year. There were free mini train rides, music, Santa, free horse drawn wagon rides and reindeer! We waited about an hour to ride the wagon, and these were the lucky horses on the job.

The Dokes family joined us and their boys, Moses and Ezekiel, along with Emma paid a buck to decorate a big gingerbread man cookie...lots of frosting and tons of candy on top. Here Emma shows off her creation.

Hope and Owen brought their spending money and decided to by a lolly pop and candy cane, respectively. As you can see, they were very excited!

One of the two reindeer they had for us to gaze at in wonder and awe!

My wonderful friend Aimee, her daughter Trinity and me and Emma of course.

~Rose Starr