Desi, being the most wonderful husband that he is, has let me for the past two pregnancies to get away before the baby is born. Two years ago I flew to Crescent City, CA (on the northern coast) to see Dori, a long time friend of mine. Since then she moved back home to Virginia (Chesapeake). I was gone May 2-5th for my first trip to the East coast. I was blown away by how green and lush and watery it all is....really beautiful and very different than Denver! Here are my favorite pics from the 50 or so I took.
This is a 13 mile bridge that dives down under the water to become a let the big ships pass by I guess!

I arrived Tuesday evening, so Wed was our first day together and we decided to drive to Colonial Williamsburg (45min away). Dori remembers going there as a kid on a field trip. This is the Govenor's Palace, which we got a tour of. The entry way had hundreds, yes hundreds of swords and rifles lining the walls. Our tour guide was full of interesting information...most of which I had totally forgotton, if I ever even learned it in the first place!

On Thursday morning we went to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens, which I absolutely LOVED! Situated adjacent to the Norfolk airport, the gardens cover 155 acres. The azaleas were in full bloom as well as pleanty of other beautiful plants.

This is the Enchanted Forest, my favorite part of the gardens. We took a beautiful, shaded .08m walk through the forest.

After the gardens, we had a wonderful seafood lunch and then made our way to Virginia Beach. They enforce a strict code of conduct there, so we made sure to watch our mouths!

A view of the coast. I stuck my feet in the Atlantic Ocean! The beach was really clean and pretty with a long boardwalk to sit or walk along and a separate bike path. 2-6 seater bikes were avaliable for rent and most hotels had crusiers for their guests to use. It was odd to not see the sun set into the water. Growing up in Huntington Beach and Costa Mesa, CA, I was used to beautiful watery sunsets and in Virginia you get beautiful watery sunrises!

Thank you Desi my love for this trip! Thank you Jan for coming to Denver to help Desi with the kids while I was gone! And thank you Dori for a most wonderful get-away. I had such a wonderful, peaceful time with you and I miss you already!
Love, Rose